Thursday, 14 November 2013

Plans for Ident

The ident is a crucial part of our media studies project, I have found a few examples of idents that we are keen on taking ideas from.

This is a small ident for UK film council, this is not a particularly small company however I like the design and effects they use for their ident. The colour scheme is well thought out but I don't think that it will convey our indie company as a horror film producer. The effects they use are such as the writing coming out of the tear in the middle. An ident that is more horror orientated would be the Dark Castle Entertainment ident at 0:28, they use a gargoyle which tends to be associated with horror films. The colour scheme is much darker, it has a grey/brown feel. The transformation of the gargoyle into the castle as it zooms out is something we are interested in doing, the way it zooms out showing more perhaps showing our title.  Further on at 1:30 we see a transition between idents, to do this they use some clouds floating in front of them, the clouds are an easy technique we would easily be able to use so it is definitely worth considering for our final ident.

Mutant enemy productions are a indie ident production company, they have actually made an animated ident. I think this is actually really effective because it is unique, moreover it is easy to do seen as it requires little knowledge of editing softwares such as motion or final cut pro. It is also quite comic, the sound used on it is just a person making a sigh noise, I have looked into comic horrors like the cabin in the woods and their genres seem to meet. As much as I find this comic aspect good it is probably worth not using because we want our trailer and ident to actually be scary.

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