I have decided to call our indie company Fairly Frightening Films primarily for the alliteration but also because it has some comic value. For my first idea I was just getting the feel for motion, motion is a professional package and can be quite difficult to use.
As you can see from this small clip it is not particularly well made however there are a few different parts of motion which I began to experiment with. To start I took an image of a knife off the internet and put it in motion. After this I wanted to see what i could do with text so I created a text box and wrote 'The Woods' in, this is because Fairly Frightening Productions would have been too big. I added a 'drip' effect to the text and then changed the glow to red, this made it look like blood dripping. Another reason I did not use Fairly Frightening Productions was because there were too many letters and the dripping got a bit out of hand. Finally I made a custom animation where I drew a motion track line and then attached an image of a light to it. The light grows and shrinks in intensity and size as it travels up the knife.
My second ident is not as creative because I already made my own template from earlier when I was just getting to grips with Motion. All I had to do was adjust the length of the animation, change the text and add the bad film effect to the text so it fits in with the picture behind.
For my final piece I was intent on getting blood involved because it makes it much more scary, this is probably the most simplistic of all three however I feel it is also the strongest. Used Final Cut Pro to create the animation for the text and saved it as a video file on my desktop, I imported it into motions as a piece of film and then used a free blood animation which I found on the internet and layered over the text.